

If everyone gives a thread,
the poor man will have a shirt.
                                       Russian Proverb

Warren Buffet on Charitable Giving

A couple of thoughts (but not directives): Focus the new funds and your energy on a relatively few activities in which you can make an important difference. Concentrate your resources on needs that would not be met without your efforts. Conversely, avoid making small contributions to the multitude of worthwhile activities that have many possible funders and that would likely proceed without your funding. Consider working with your siblings on important projects. Pay attention to your home community but favor a broader view. Judge programs by how they fit with your goals and their chance of success, not by who makes the request. Expect to make mistakes; nothing important will be accomplished if you make only “safe” decisions.


Tropical Health Alliance Foundation
P.O. Box 1270
Loma Linda, CA, 92354

 Telephone Numbers:

(909) 558-4563 Office
(909) 559-4845 Fax

E-Mail Address

[email protected]

Ways to Give

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